Thursday, July 16, 2009


Melanie: Another day...

me: yea...

don't know why, but felt like school is pointless.
In the morning, walk into school, go long tone.
Try to get juniors to do practice with me. Not working.
When I was a junior, if I ever get the chance to at least TOUCH my instrument, I'd be so happy. But you guys made it look like learning your instrument is a big burden. Then why did you join band in the first place? Why did you choose my instrument? I was supposed to find a new bell player among you guys. But the attitude you guys showed me is so disappointing, you made me lose all hope of ever finding another partner. So frustrated. Every time I look at the list of juniors, I will want one particular person back, but will also know that it's not likely. But the others? Not one of you proved to me that you could be the next mallet percussion player. Even if you've been in the band, chosen my instrument for one or two years already, the standard you showed me is like the standard of someone who've just joined the band. If you're a slow learner, I'll understand. But if you're LAZY, well, you know what a normal person would feel seeing you like that.
After that, class, lessons, teachers blabbering away. Classmates concluding they're not learning anything and are better of doing their own work. Some teachers don't really teach. Made us have no mood and did not want to try and even listen. Hello? PMR? Ring a bell?
noon time. bell rings. go home. next day usual routine all over again.

that's school?


  1. JoleneHiing said...
    thr muz be someone..
    Larry said...
    they dunno how to menghargai..
    keqi said...
    jia you friend hope you can smile always ha ha...XD

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