Thursday, November 5, 2009

it's WIN 87 day!!!

it's officially Win 87 Day!!!
it's her 15th anniversary..
let's hope she can get an UPGRADE on this day,
or just a large dose of SUGAR
which leads to her recent condition~
it does weird things to people..

God Bless=)

p.s. Chocolate + Candle Wax = Lots of sizzling and bubbling..

p.p.s. Never use chocolate mud cake when you want to surprise someone..if you wait for too long, it will melt and the candle will start to drop. And if you try to make the candle upright again..the insides will come out..and I tell you..the insides look like POOP when it's coming out from the sides..which makes it less appetizing..but to doesn't matter, so long its still cake and chocolate...=.=

1 Comment:

  1. grace ngu said...
    oh!! happy birthday windows XP
    (nex year macbook)

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